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Solutions Overview

Our Accreditation

accreditation certification
Cyclect has obtained various accreditations and certifications demonstrating our commitment to quality, service, credibility, and competency.

Cyclect has achieved various accreditations and certifications in the areas of Management, Quality, Health & Safety, Environment, and Social Responsibility, which demonstrate our commitment to excellence and meeting the highest standards of quality and service. To obtain these accreditations and certifications, we underwent a series of independent and rigorous assessments, including audits, reviews, and interviews, which were conducted by third-party accreditation organizations such as BVQIEcovadisULNEA, and SIFMA. These assessments, which were conducted in accordance with international, industry, and local public standards, ensured that our systems, capabilities, competencies, and financial capability were thoroughly evaluated and deemed reliable.

Our accreditations and certifications attest to the strength and integrity of our operating systems, capabilities, competencies, and financial capability. We are proud of these achievements and believe that they demonstrate our commitment to upholding the highest levels of professionalism and excellence in everything we do. Through our dedication to meeting the highest standards and our commitment to continuous improvement, we are proud to have achieved these accreditations and certifications, which demonstrate our credibility and competency as a reliable and trustworthy organization.

Accreditations and Certifications

BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA CR06 Registered Contractor for Interior Decoration & Finishing Works
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA CR13 Registered Contractor for Waterproofing Installation
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA CW01 Registered Contractor for General Building
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA FM01 Registered Contractor for Facilities Management
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA FM02 Registered Contractor for Housekeeping, Cleansing, Desilting & Conservancy Service
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA GB1 Registered Contractor for General Builder Class 1
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA ME01 Registered Contractor for Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration & Ventilation Works
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA ME02 Registered Contractor for Building Automation, Industrial & Process Control Systems
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA ME05 Registered Contractor for Electrical Engineering
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA ME06 Registered Contractor for Fire Prevention & Protection Systems
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA ME11 Registered Contractor for Mechanical Engineering
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA ME15 Registered Contractor for Integrated Building Services
BCA ME01, ME02, ME03, ME05, ME06, ME11, ME15, CR01, CR02, GB01, FM01, FM02, CR06, CR13, CW01, GB1, SY05
BCA SY05 Registered Contractor for Electrical & Electronic Materials, Products & Components
BizSafe Star
BizSafe Star
Cyclect is a certified BizSafe Star company in Singapore, demonstrating our commitment to workplace safety...
Clean Mark
Clean Mark
Clean Mark Accredited for high cleaning standards
Ecovadis Gold
Ecovadis Gold
EcoVadis gives Cyclect gold-rating for sustainability.
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/CMP/10
EPU/CMP/10 Registered as a Singapore public sector supplier for Computer Hardware And Software Products
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/ECS/10
EPU/ECS/10 Registered as a Singapore public sector supplier for Electrical Components
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/FFG/10
EPU/FFG/10 Registered as a Singapore public sector supplier for Fire Fighting, Safety & Rescue Equipment
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/HEQ/10
EPU/HEQ/10 Registered as a Singapore public sector supplier for Domestic Equipment & Supplies
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/LTE/10
EPU/LTE/10 Registered as supplier for Laboratory Testing And Survey Equipment
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/MAR/10
EPU/MAR/10 Registered as asupplier for Shipbuilding, Repair And Marine Supplies
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/SER/19
EPU/SER/19 Registered as a supplier for Service (Data Entry, Supply Of Manpower)
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/SER/30
EPU/SER/30 Registered as a Singapore public sector supplier for Service (Management)
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/SER/34
EPU/SER/34 Registered as a Singapore public sector supplier for Service (Consultant)
Gebiz, EPU/LTE/10, EPU/MAR/10, EPU/SER/19, EPU/SER/30, EPU/SER/34, EPU/SER/46, EPU/CMP/10, EPU/ECS/10, EPU/FFG/10, EPU/HEQ/10
Gebiz EPU/SER/46
EPU/SER/46 Registered as a Singapore public sector supplier for Service (Cleaning)
IEC 60079-19
IEC 60079-19
Accredited to IEC 60079-19: delivering safe repairs for equipment in explosive atmospheres
IECEx Accredited for safe repairs for equipment in explosive atmospheres
ISO 14001 accreditation
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 Accreditation for Environmental management systems
ISO 22301 accreditation
ISO 22301
ISO 22301 Accreditation for Business continuity management systems - Security and resilience
ISO 41001 accreditation
ISO 41001
ISO 41001 Accreditation for Facility management systems
ISO 45001 accreditation
ISO 45001
ISO 45001 Accredited for Occupational health and safety management systems
ISO 9001 accreditation
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 Accredited for Quality management systems
NS Mark
NS Mark
NS Mark Accreditation for Support of National Service and Total Defence Policies
Progressive Wage Mark
Progressive Wage Mark Plus
The Progressive Wage Mark accreditation recognizes Cyclect for a commitment to fair and sustainable wage...
UL PTKQ Rebuilt Electric Motor for Hazardous Location
UL PTKQ: Rebuilt Electric Motor for Hazardous Location
UL PTKQ Accreditation as a Certified Rebuilder of Electric Motors for Hazardous Environment

Trust in Our Certified Excellence.

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