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Cyclect Group’s Subsidiary, Pine Creations, Receives MIDAS Touch Asia Enterprise Award

Cyclect subsidiary Pine Creations awarded MIDAS Touch Asia Enterprise Silver Award by Apple Co-founded, Steve Wozniak.

Cyclect group is proud to announce that its subsidiary, Pine Creations Pte Ltd, has received the MIDAS Touch Asia Enterprise Award on 26th August 2013 at the Raffles City Convention Centre, Fairmont Singapore. The MIDAS Touch Asia Enterprise Award is designed to recognize enterprises in the Asia Pacific region that have the potential for exponential growth in the next decade. The award is presented to the top 20 recipients, who are judged based on their achievements in potential growth in the next 5 years, innovation, performance/productivity, and branding and public image.

Apple Co-founder, Mr. Steve Wozniak was the keynote speaker at the event, and presented the awards to the recipients. The Midas Touch Asia Enterprise Award creates a platform for outstanding business leaders to share their business ideas and best practices for sustainable growth.

Ms. Christine Wee, Managing Director of Pine Creations, was on hand to receive the award and expressed her excitement and gratitude for this recognition. “Receiving the Midas Touch Asia award is another significant milestone for Pine Creations, following last year’s SME 1 Award. In a short time, we have grown tremendously, serving more clients than ever in the hotel industry. Our team is proud to be recognized for their achievements and shall continue to strive for greater heights,” she said.

Pine Creations is a subsidiary of the Cyclect Group, providing interior design and installation services. The recognition of Pine Creations with the MIDAS Touch Asia Enterprise Award demonstrates the company’s potential for growth and its commitment to innovation, performance, and branding. The Cyclect group is proud of Pine Creations and its team for their hard work and dedication in achieving this prestigious award.

About MIDAS Touch Asia Enterprise Award

The Midas Touch Asia Enterprise Award is a recognition program that honors businesses in the Asia Pacific region with the potential for exponential growth in the next decade. The award seeks to identify and celebrate enterprises that have demonstrated outstanding achievements in areas such as potential growth, innovation, performance/productivity, and branding and public image. The top 20 recipients of the award receive it from an influential figure in the tech industry, such as Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc. The award provides a platform for business leaders to share ideas and best practices for sustainable growth and to network with each other. The Midas Touch Asia Enterprise Award is a significant recognition for businesses and a testament to their achievements and success.

About Cyclect Group

Cyclect Group is an investment portfolio of engineering solution providers that specialize in developing, engineering, constructing, operating and maintaining plants and facilities across Asia. The group’s primary goal is to provide sustainable engineering solutions to various industries, with a particular focus on renewables, energy, infrastructure, industrial, marine, offshore and environmental engineering.

Cyclect Holdings is the primary investment company in the group and is committed to delivering sustainable solutions to industry and the community. The group has a diversified portfolio of businesses that offer a wide range of services to different industries, ensuring that it can meet the specific needs of its customers. With a strong emphasis on safety and quality, Cyclect Group is dedicated to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions that not only meet the needs of its customers, but also contribute to the sustainable development of the community.

For more information on Cyclect Group, please visit: https://cyclect.com