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Vanair Motorized Ball Valves

Heavy-duty and flexible motorized ball valves for fliuid management
Motorized Ball Valves


Van Air Systems Motorized Ball Valves (MBV) are heavy-duty, flexible valves that manage any fluid in a variety of applications and operations. It comes with a host of options and accessories to fit the level of adjustment and controls you need. MDV is available in two models:
MDV-400I – For dependable draining at consistent intervals choose model MDV-400I. A power-on LED and test button are conveniently located on the top cover. To reset the valve, simply adjust the switches on the internal circuit board. Adjustable intervals between valve actuations are 30 minutes to 30 hours. Adjustable draining periods are 5, 10, 15 and 20 seconds.
MDV-400L – If you prefer an easy-to-use keypad for convenient cycle timing adjustments and a handy LCD cycle status readout, choose model MDV-400L. You’ll never wonder when it’s set to actuate again with its continuous, clear countdown display of remaining cycle or drain open times. Added features include an external test and valve fault functions, both with LCD readout. Adjustable intervals between valve actuations are 1 minute to 99 hours 59 minutes. Adjustable draining periods are 1 second to 99 minutes 59 seconds.

Automatic Drain Valves

Cooling, drying and filtering your compressed air is only part of the air treatment process. In a 100 scfm system operating at 100 psig in ambient conditions of 70°F and 50% relative humidity, each 8-hour shift produces 2.5 gallons of condensate that must be drained from the system. Van Air Systems offers a variety of sturdy and economical options for draining condensate from your compressed air system. Automatic drains remove condensed liquid – usually a mixture of water and compressor lubricant — from compressed air systems. Our drain valves are commonly installed on air receiver tanks, drip legs, bulk moisture separators, coalescing filters, refrigerated air dryers, and deliquescent air dryers.

Energy Free
Systems are not electrically driven
Innovative formulas and process for effective moisture removal
Designed and manufactured for heavy duty operations
No Moving Parts
Innovative formulas and process for effective moisture removal
American manufactured quality and technical support
Cost-effective to install and operate
Easy Maintenance
Systems are easy to maintain and operate

Vanair Motorized Ball Valves Features


  • Adjustable timers
  • Powerful motor
  • Full ported ball valve
  • Control by either a timer or float switch


  •  Moisture separators and filters
  • Sediment filter back washing
  • Compressor intercoolers
  • Drop legs and receiver tanks
  • Compressed air dryers
Motorized Ball Valves Specifications
Van Air Systems

About Vanair Systems

Since 1944, Vanair Systems, located in Lake City, Pennsylvania, designs and manufactures dryers and desiccants for the dehydration of compressed air and natural gas. Van Air Systems’ compressed air dryers include single-tower deliquescent dryers, regenerative compressed air dryers, and natural gas dryers. Van Air Systems also manufactures products for the treatment of compressed air and natural gas which include adsorbent & deliquescent desiccants, particulate & coalescing filters, automatic condensate drains, and after-coolers. Having served for more than six decades and tens of thousands of customers in virtually every industry, Van Air Systems and its extensive network of factory-trained distributors are uniquely prepared to deliver the world’s finest solutions for cool, clean, and dry compressed air and gas.

Cyclect has the pre-sales, installation, stock and technical support for Vanair Systems products. We identify and recommend a suitable model for your specific application.

Come talk to us about Vanair Motorized Ball Valves

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