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Cyclect Group’s Milestone in the Marine Industry: Winning First Major Naval Project in 1952

Cyclect Group enters the marine industry with a major project for the Royal Navy, marking the beginning of a successful journey in marine engineering

For a decade, Cycle & Electric, later renamed Cyclect Group, provided services to the community, retail, and manufacturing industries. However, in 1952, the company took a major step forward when it gained the trust of the Royal Navy and won its first major project to service naval vessels in Singapore. This marked the beginning of the company’s journey into the marine industry.

This project was a significant milestone for the company, as it marked its entry into the highly specialized and demanding field of marine engineering. It was a testament to the company’s expertise and commitment to providing high-quality services. The successful completion of this project also helped the company to establish a reputation as a reliable and trusted partner in the marine industry.

Over the years, Cyclect Group has continued to expand its services and capabilities in the marine industry. The company has been involved in a wide range of marine engineering projects, including ship repairs, conversions, and new building. Cyclect has also been involved in providing engineering solutions for the offshore and oil & gas industries.

Today, Cyclect Group is a leading provider of engineering solutions in the marine industry, with a reputation for delivering high-quality services and innovative solutions. The company’s success in the marine industry is a testament to its commitment to innovation and excellence, and it continues to be a driving force in shaping the industry.

About Cyclect Group

Cyclect Group is an investment portfolio of engineering solution providers that specialize in developing, engineering, constructing, operating and maintaining plants and facilities across Asia. The group’s primary goal is to provide sustainable engineering solutions to various industries, with a particular focus on renewables, energy, infrastructure, industrial, marine, offshore and environmental engineering.

Cyclect Holdings is the primary investment company in the group and is committed to delivering sustainable solutions to industry and the community. The group has a diversified portfolio of businesses that offer a wide range of services to different industries, ensuring that it can meet the specific needs of its customers. With a strong emphasis on safety and quality, Cyclect Group is dedicated to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions that not only meet the needs of its customers, but also contribute to the sustainable development of the community.

For more information on Cyclect Group, please visit: https://cyclect.com